Week 6- Coding is hard


I don't like coding. I don't understand how writing "random" symbols and letters makes cool things happen?? This week, two people came in to talk about coding, we even tried a bit of it too. 

In today's class, we had some expert coders come in and show us how to code using a free website. We had to try and program a little musical game on these devices which we had online, but also in real life. Here are some photos of what we had to do to make things happen. To be completely honest, I had no idea what was happening. I just followed instructions and made something happen! The thing I would like to know is why certain things are put in certain places. Why can't it be one whole group of stuff? 

In terms of using this in the classroom, I am trying to be optimistic but there is not much to say. I guess if you love coding, then why not use this in a music classroom.

For me, I would never use this in a classroom. I feel like there are other cheap and effective ways of teaching music. I personally would not have the time to be researching 3+ hours every night for a week straight learning how to code for a class. I am all for giving my students opportunities, but I can use things like small synthesisers which aren't too expensive, and have a more rewarding outcome with more musical things to get out of it. 

Maybe it is my lack of knowledge that stops me from liking coding, but I guess it is good to know in a university setting. If people really love coding and find it useful in their classrooms, I fully support that, bring me along! But for me personally, not something I would consider. 

However, check out this cool thing I recorded. The two expert coders made this music playable play dough. They were saying how play dough is a conductor for electricity and that's how it makes sound...pretty cool. 
